Tavanmehvar Azin Sanat

Fiberglass grating




Power-oriented flexible elements are produced in order to withstand the harsh conditions and many misalignments in cooling towers. These elements are integral discs that are produced from advanced composite materials and stainless steel bushings are also embedded in them. All these components are packed in a urethane case for easier transportation and to prevent wear and corrosion. The physical and mechanical properties of continuous fibers indicate high non-coaxial bearing capacity and long working life. Power-oriented flexible elements have a very high fatigue life and easy installation.

In this type of composite elements, the main factors of metal damage such as wear, corrosion and fatigue micro-cracks have been completely eliminated, and therefore maintenance costs have been greatly reduced and the installation process has become easier. These elements can continue to work for many years without any problems in the most difficult working conditions.

Power-oriented flexible elements are offered in various dimensions and capacity to withstand different torques. The torque bearing capacity is presented based on dynamic and static tests in such a way as to provide infinite fatigue life in that torque and non-coaxiality.

Flexible elements are the only part of connections that bear alternating forces, and therefore the phenomenon of fatigue is very important in them. Epoxy composites reinforced with high efficiency carbon fiber produced by power axis continue to work without failure even after infinite cycle at 689 MPa, and as a result, the fatigue life of flexible elements of power axis is at the limit of theoretical life.


Flexible elements made of special stainless steel, which are used for aligning different drives, such as engines, pumps, gearbox motors, turbines, towering driveshafts, etc., which these elements can compensate for off-axis to a great extent.

These flexible elements are one-piece discs that are produced from advanced composite materials and stainless steel bushings are embedded in it. These elements are embedded in These elements are offered in different dimensions and capacity to withstand different torques.